The Commercial Law Academy is holding its next free webinar on Tuesday, 27 September at 5pm.
Hosted by Jake Schogger and Holly Moore (@thatlawblog), in collaboration with The Student Lawyer, this free workshop offers a whole host of insider insights into commercial legal careers (including solicitor apprenticeships and in-house training contracts), the recruitment cycle, what training contracts involve, and the tasks typically carried out by trainees. In particular, it will cover:
- Legal careers and different types of firms - Recruitment opportunities for aspiring lawyers - Solicitor apprenticeships - Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) - Key skills required of junior lawyers - Legal training: common challenges and benefits - Key practice area overviews - Common junior lawyer tasks - “Non-chargeable” work
It will also provide the opportunity to ask the team questions relating to a broad range of employability topics, from motivation and competency questions, to assessment centres and psychometric tests.
Click on the link below to sign-up!*ozjgyn*_ga*MTUyNTU5MzY3Ny4xNjQxMzc2NDI4*_ga_K7H94QHX99*MTY2MzY4NDUxMC4zNDMuMS4xNjYzNjg0Nzc3LjQ3LjAuMA..&_ga=2.159066682.1045859284.1663661212-1525593677.1641376428